The Absolent Filtermist India Private Ltd team will be taking part in the Pune Machine Tool Expo from 23rd – 26th May and AMTEX (Asian Machine Tool Exhibition) from 26th – 29th July
Come and visit us to find out about the latest developments from Filtermist, including the new ESP OMU 600 which is the latest Diversitech Thunderbolt Electrostatic Precipitator, a cutting-edge device made specifically for catching and collecting smoke and oil mist.
We will also have the AX10 and the FX5002 Stainless Steel oil mist filters which are mist extraction units that use our centrifugal technology.
Find us on Stall A112 in Hall 1 at the Pune Machine Tool Expo and on Stall C11 in Hall 6 at AMTEX.